

Retailers of quality samba gear

Samba World Percussion (Australia)  -  http://www.sambaworldpercussion.com

Kalango (Germany)  -  http://www.kalango.com

Samba bands around Sydney

Bateria 61 (Sydney City) - http://www.bateria61.com

Samba Ninja (Sydney City)  -  http://www.sambaninja.com

Samba Trombada (Blue Mountains)  -  https://www.facebook.com/sambatrombada/

Sydney Samba (Parramatta)  -  https://www.facebook.com/WesternSydneySamba

Batucada Funk - https://batucadafunk.org/


Some of our friends around Australia ..

SaSamba (Adelaide) - http://www.sasamba.com.au

Bloco 3K (Melbourne) - http://bloco3k.com

Raio De Sol (Canberra) - http://www.raiodesol.org


.. and the world

G.R.E.S Alegria (Tokyo, Japan) - http://www.gres-alegria.jp

London School of Samba (London, U.K.)  -  http://londonschoolofsamba.co.uk

Zurich School of Samba (Zurich, Switzerland) - https://zurichsamba.com


We have rehearsals on two Mondays (6-9pm) and two Saturdays (11am-1pm) in a month.

Contact us on: info(at)bateria61.com for our next rehearsal! 

Stage Door Productions

7/33 Maddox St, Alexandria


See y'all there!!