The Mangueira style of playing caixa uses alternating double and single notes with accents on the right hand to create a unique sound.

This is a style we use sometimes to change the sound of the samba, or when performing a song such as Exaltacao a Mangueira.

Here is the sticking pattern:


R R L R L R R L R L R R L R-- L


R = Right stick

R = Right stick accent

R-- = Right stick roll (one stroke buzz roll, or "samba roll")

L = Left stick

The timing of the accents and the roll at the end is also used in other well known samba styles. What sets the Mangueira style apart is the heavy use of the right hand. This creates a new sound that is more than just "accents and non accents". This style may be a little tricky to learn at first but it definitely pays off. The trick is to make sure your right hand alternates with 2 . 1 . 2 . 1 . 2 notes and then the roll, and to make sure you get the accents in the right places on the double notes!

Here is a video demonstrating this style, from very slow to very fast. Try playing along, can you play all the way to the end?